May 2019
Spring is always a busy time for HOI Group volunteers, with our Sierra Group participating in local environmental events.
The Earth Day Festival at Forest Park Nature Center, this year on April 20th, is always the most well attended local event by the general public and has the most environmental organizations and vendors participating. Our table displayed the dangers of coal ash and asked visitors to sign postcards supporting legislation in Illinois to provide protections against coal ash. These postcards will be given to our local state legislators.
The HOI Group participated in the Clean Water Celebration with a display at the Peoria Civic Center on April 29th. Our topic this year was The Impact of Climate Change on Oceans. Over 2,000 students, grades 4 through 12, teachers, and members of the public attended. We focused on three primary ways climate change is impacting the oceans: rising sea level, rising ocean temperature, and increased acidity.
At Pollinator Family Day at the Peoria Riverfront Museum on May 4th, our table provided information on why pollinators are in trouble, including the negative impacts of neonicotinoid pesticides and the increased use of glyphosate (Roundup) on GMO corn and soybeans. We provided steps homeowners can take to make their yards pollinator friendly, including using a wide variety of native plants and avoiding modern hybrids.
Click here for more pictures of our displays at this year's Earth Day Festival at Forest Park Nature Center, the Clean Water Celebration, and Pollinator Family Day.