March 2020 |
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and Pass CEJA Now
You have a chance to make a huge difference for Climate Action. Please phone your state Senator and Representative now! Let them know you support CEJA, the Clean Energy Jobs Act. Illinois can become a leading state in clean energy, environmental justice principles and just transition from toxic, polluting fuels to wind, solar and energy efficiency with the Clean Energy Jobs Act/CEJA.
Call your state Senator and Representative now and let them know you support the Clean Energy Jobs Act. We need callers in Jehan Gordon-Booth’s Illinois House District 92 to ask that she be a co-sponsor for the legislation because it has paths to training and employment for minorities. If you are in Senator Dave Koehler’s district 46 thank him for his leadership on clean energy and say you hope he will continue to be a leader with CEJA and support the just transition aspects of the bill. Check your voter’s registration card for your state representative and senator districts.
We need Letters to the Editor! Take a moment a write 250 words for the Peoria Journal Star or a newspaper of your choice. For more information on CEJA go to the Sierra Club Illinois Chapter website and the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition website.