March 2018

Dynegy continues its multi-pronged attack on our air and our health. Please phone your local state Representative and ask that he/she oppose House Bill 5134. Ask your state Senator to oppose Senate Bill 3292. Both of these are legislative efforts by Dynegy to get a state bailout for their money losing old coal-fired power plants. A bailout is not a long term solution for plant workers and there are no guarantees from Dynegy that they will keep plants open even if they get a bailout. Both of these bills will allocate millions of dollars to prop up uneconomic and polluting plants by raising the cost of electricity for Ameren customers. A bailout would set Illinois back from progress being made to transition to clean energy and cutting down on air pollution.
Hearings have been held in Peoria and Edwardsville on Dynegy attempts to rewrite state air pollution regulations and drastically weaken protections for communities like Peoria that have one of the dirtiest power plants. A third public hearing on Dynegy’s efforts to double coal-fired power plant pollution from its dirtiest plants, like the one at Edwards, will be held Monday, April 16th, in Springfield at the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency headquarters, from 4 to 8 p.m. We need people from Peoria to attend. Contact Joyce Blumenshine for more information at 309-678-1011.