January 2016
The Heart of Illinois Group Sierra Club participated in the “Day of Dirt” November 19, 2015 at the Chillicothe Public Library. The daylong event was in conjunction with the Dust, Drought and Dreams Gone By exhibit hosted by the library November 4th to December 18th. The exhibit was developed by the American Library Association Public Programs Office in collaboration with the libraries of Oklahoma State University and Mount Holyoke College. The exhibition and tour were made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor.
The “Day of Dirt” was an opportunity to celebrate soil and learn about its importance for many aspects of life on earth. The event included two showings of “Dirt! The Movie”; a presentation on composting and vermicomposting; soil ecologist Dr. Sherri Morris of Bradley University speaking on what makes soil a complex and valuable resource; plus hands-on activities for all ages.
Heart of Illinois Group Sierra hosted an educational display that enabled visitors to play in the dirt and explore soil texture. Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of the elementary soil particles - sand, silt and clay. You can estimate the soil texture of a soil sample by the way it responds to handling in the moist condition. Texture determines the rate at which air and water move through the soil and the amount of water held in the soil.
You know the state bird of Illinois, but do you know the state soil? Answer: Drummer.
Did you know 2015 was designated as the International Year of Soils by the General Assembly of the United Nations?
Thanks to the Chillicothe Public Library for inviting HOI Group to be part of this special day.