January 2017
Thanks to all HOI Members who sent emails, phoned their legislators or in other ways helped during the two years of efforts to pass the Illinois Clean Jobs Bill. The Illinois Legislature passed the Future Energy Jobs Act (2016) via Senate Bill 2814 the last day of the Veto Session on December 1, 2016. A key part of the bill is ensuring steady funding for meeting the goal of 25% wind and solar energy by 2025. The bill should repair the failing Illinois Renewable Energy Portfolio (RPS) to reach this goal. Annual funding for low-income energy efficiency programs and job training are included, and there are means for large scale Community Solar which will enable shared solar projects for those living in apartments or who cannot install solar where they live. Some parts of the bill that we did not want were defeated, including a bail-out for coal-fired power plants, however, the bill includes funding to keep two nuclear plants in operation. Over time the bill will spur wind and solar that will be equal to two typical nuclear and two typical coal plants and could result in 4.3 gigawatts of new sustainably clean energy in Illinois. If you would like more information, see Illinois Sierra Director Jack Darin’s blog on the bill passage.