August 2017
Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance (CIHCA) is taking on the worst air and water polluters in our area. The Edwards coal-fired power plant in Bartonville is spewing toxic mercury and sulfur dioxide into the air day and night. Its coal ash pits are draining into our aquifer and the Illinois River. CIHCA activist Robin Garlish knows firsthand the health impacts of living with these contaminates – and she’s not taking it laying down. Robin has launched a series of popular Facebook videos documenting the hazards. Fish caught in the area have high mercury levels and are not safe for families to eat. Coal dust blowing off the property covers a neighbor’s playground and the strong acids coming out of the smokestacks etch the paint on cars. Robin chronicles these problems and more – check it out online and give her a “Like”.
Video Links:
CIHCA Facebook Page Videos
Robin on the Levee - YouTube
Robin in Front of the ED Edwards Plant - YouTube