May 2023 |
By Joyce Blumenshine
5:30 p.m. every Monday at the Lincoln Branch Public Library, Peoria (meeting rooms vary) volunteer gathering for South Side organizing and outreach. For more information phone 309-688-0950.
Public information panel presentation lead by Peoria City Council 1st District Representative Denise Jackson, 6 p.m. at the George Washington Carver Center, located in John H. Gwynn Jr. Park, 710 W Percy Baker Jr Ave, Peoria. The focus for this program is South Side and City of Peoria potential impacts of a CO2 pipeline, including existing city infrastructure, property values, liability, and environmental justice concerns.
CO2 Pipelines: What You Need to Know, 6:30 p.m. at the Morrison and Mary Wiley Library, 206 W. Main St., Elmwood. This outreach to the western part of Peoria County will include risks for crop land impacts and water supplies, in addition to public health and safety concerns. Presented by Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance and HOI Group members.