May 2019
Exciting News! Key legislation to help our environment and combat pollution are moving in the Illinois Legislature. Your calls to your state legislators make a real difference. Please take action on the issues below. It is quick and easy to phone legislative offices and leave your message.
Support the Reasonable Fee on Single Use Plastic Bags:
Phone your state legislators with the following message: "I support a $.07 fee on single use plastic bags and the provisions in House Bill 3335. Please oppose any preemption that is added to prohibit other actions regarding single use plastics unless there is a sunset time limit on the preemption. Please oppose Senate Bill 1240 because it has a preemption prohibiting communities from taking action on other plastics including straws and packaging."
Support Senate Bill 009 to Take Action on Coal Ash Pollution:
SB009 will make significant progress in addressing coal ash pollution by establishing basic steps for coal ash clean up and control at coal-fired power plants. Many coal plants are located next to rivers and impact river bottom lands allowing extensive groundwater pollution. It is high time to have basic steps for protection of both rivers and surface water sources and underground water resources from coal ash pollution.
Support the Clean Energy Jobs Act:
Let your state legislators know you support House Bill (HB) 3624 and Senate Bill (SB) 2132 for new jobs and a clean energy future for Illinois that gets our state off of carbon based fuels. Ask they oppose HB125 Amendment 002 which will bail out coal plants and end real clean energy policies for Illinois. Ask they oppose SB660 Amendment 1 which gives nuclear energy financial support that is not needed and because nuclear energy creates huge amounts of highly toxic and unsafe waste.
Learn more about Illinois Sierra priority legislation.
Take action on other bills we support or oppose and find out more.