Illinois Legislature Faced with Competing Energy Bills.
Phone Your State Senator and Representative.
Please be sure to phone Senator Dave Koehler’s office 309-677-0120 to thank him for sponsoring the Clean Jobs Bill Senate Bill 1485. This bill will improve the state’s energy efficiency target and options for renewable energy. We need Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth to support this bill as House Bill 2607. Please phone her office at 309-681-1992.
Efforts are in progress for more action on invasive species in the Exotic Weed Act Senate Bill 681. Teasel, bush honeysuckle, and other highly invasive non-native plants are listed in this bill to curtail sale of the plants or plant seeds. There is also a Senate Joint Resolution SJR 9 to declare May as Invasive Species Awareness Month. Click here for more information.
Contact your state legislators to oppose the bailout for nuclear energy that is proposed in Senate Bill 1585 and House Bill 3293. These bills would shift the costs of inefficient and highly toxic nuclear waste producing power plants to citizens for decades to come harming truly renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
For more information see the legislative priorities page on the Illinois Chapter Sierra Club website.