November 2013
Thanks to the Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign, 2013 has been a year of action for Heart of Illinois Group on the Edwards coal-fired power plant at Bartonville, just south of Peoria. For all of you who have responded to an email alert, attended a press conference, or in other ways helped in this essential local effort to confront climate change pollution and ACT LOCALLY, our greatest THANKS to you.
Since January, we have had the tremendous help of Beyond Coal organizer Kady McFadden to move this issue forward. With the formation of the Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance, a strong coalition of local groups is taking Edwards power plant issues to the public, agencies, local leaders and the local news. This issue is not over. The future of the Edwards power plant remains unknown. Ameren, the current owner, has stated publicly that the plant is not profitable. The Texas based company Dynegy has offered to buy a fleet of Ameren plants including Edwards, but Dynegy wants sulfur dioxide air pollution rules delayed for five years more to do so.
Take a look at the sulfur dioxide air pollution plume affecting our Peoria region on the modeling map below. This is health-threatening pollution that can cause asthma attacks and other health problems. Sulfur dioxide air pollution is not good for any of us. One hour pollution spikes can cause lung scarring and incremental health damage. The Edwards power plant has not upgraded its sulfur dioxide controls and is also a major carbon dioxide pollution source.
If we are to confront climate change pollution we must take action locally in addition to making changes in our personal habits to cut greenhouse gas pollution. Thank you for your support and membership in Sierra Club that helps in all these efforts. Please look for ways to continue your support in the New Year and to participate in upcoming events. Take a look at the Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance on Facebook, or check out the video with our own HOI clean air activist Bob Jorgenson giving comments before the Illinois Pollution Control Board at the SO2 hearing in Springfield.
For more information about the Edwards power plant and the harmful effects of burning coal, check out the Sierra Club's fact sheet FAMILIES AT RISK.