2022 Award Winners, Sierra Club Loxahatchee Group

2022 Florida Chapter Awards

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Florida Chapter Award and General Meeting attendees

Speakers: Drew Martin and Chris McVoy

Otter Award winner - Meryl Davids (left), presented by Sheila Calderon and Linda Smithe

Manatee Award winner - Rose Loeff (left), presented by Kay Gates

Indigo Award winner - Sandi Schwartz (left), presented by Linda Smithe

Pine Tree Award winner - Linda Smithe (center), presented by Kay Gates and Sheila Calderon


Meryl Davids, Sheila Calderon, Linda Smithe

Otter Award - Meryl Davids: Is given to a member for outstanding service to the Sierra Club Outings Program. 

Meryl Davids stepped up to the plate several years ago when the past leader of our Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) youth program retired. ICO takes under-resourced youth from around Palm Beach County on nature outings. 
Her group of volunteers have many exciting upcoming adventures planned for the youth, including kayaking, hiking, snorkeling, swamp tromping and more. Learn more about ICO

Rose Loeff and Kay Gates

Manatee Award - Rose Loeff: Goes to a member who has done an outstanding job of service to the group. 

Rose has been a dependable volunteer for the Loxahatchee Group behind the scenes and at public meetings. Behind the scenes, she has helped with putting out the newsletter, dealing with finances including treasurer and other fiduciary duties. She has been a volunteer with our Inspiring Connections Outdoors children's program and at tabling events. Rose keeps things running smoothly.


Sandi Schwartz and Linda Smithe

Indigo Award - Sandi Schwartz: Is for a writer/journalist who contributed greatly through research and knowledge to uncover specific issues impacting the environment, environmental justice or environmental policy in Florida. 

Sandi Schwartz is the newsletter editor for the Loxahatchee Group of Sierra Club. She is also an award-winning author, freelance journalist, editor, and researcher with 20+ years of experience communicating science-based information to diverse audiences in the areas of sustainability, green living, home and garden, nature, and wellness.


Kay Gates, Linda Smithe, Sheila Calderon

Pine Tree Award - Linda Smithe: Is a special award for group leadership. It honors a group leader who has provided exceptional benefit in any of the areas of management, inspiration, and encouragement of volunteers, fundraising or membership. 

Linda Smithe stepped into a void in leadership to chair the Loxahatchee Group, thereby keeping the group going. She continued meetings through Zoom throughout the pandemic and assumed leadership in the group’s committees, as well as stepping up to be secretary.