The most basic of the Sections is the "section" a Title and Text block. It would also provide an image that will be displayed in a separate column
My first Section
It just has some text in a wysiwyg and nothing else. You could put images in with this text as well.
2nd Section
My section section also has some text in the text block. But we are also going to add an image that will appear to one side of it.
My third section
This is my third section that I will add. This will also have an image that floats to one side of it. The text does not wrap around the image, it is kept separate.
My 4th Section
For this 4th section, I am not going to add an image through the field provided by Drupal, but I am going to add it through the WYSIWYG, and wrap the text around it and give it a caption.
Adding a caption (even if you don't enter in the text) is a good idea. Because it will improve the spacing around the image.