Take Action On The Climate Crisis

We Know The Truth:
The Climate Crisis Is Real

As the organizers of the Global Climate Strike put it, "Our house is on fire, let's start acting like it!"
We are ready to energize, mobilize, and fight back like never before. The only thing we are missing is you! You, the climate warriors of Delaware, are the most fundamental part of our team. Can we count on you to join the team and become a Sierra Club Change Maker? 

What Can We Do?

For too long the U.S. Congress has failed to act on the climate crisis. That is why the national Sierra Club is pushing them every day to pass legislation, like the policies contained within the Green New Deal:
    • A Massive Investment In Green Infrastructure
    • A Clean Jobs Guarantee
    • An Equitable Transition to Clean Energy
Here at home, the Sierra Club of Delaware is working hard to combat the climate crisis on the state level by pushing for a Comprehensive Statewide Clean Energy and Transportation Policy for All.
But we cannot do it alone. We need you to:
    • Spread the word and participate when we host future rallies.
    • Show up and speak out when we send information about government meetings and proposed policies
    • Back us up when we push state legislators and policymakers to pass legislation to combat our state's impact on the climate by making calls and sending letters 
Sign up on this new email list to receive climate crisis updates and calls to action to help turn back the tides. 
This list will only be contacted regarding climate crisis-related content and actions. Together we will transform Delaware and the nation because we are powerful, together.