Climate Change Solutions for Delaware

Delaware was the last state in our region to adopt strong emission reduction goals into state law. As a result, we were falling increasingly further behind our neighbors in the fight against climate change and leaving future generations on the hook to clean up our mess.

What Will Climate Change Solutions Look Like In Delaware?

The IPCC has told us time and time again that we must cut global greenhouse gas emissions if we want to avoid the worst effects of climate change. That means every nation and every state has a responsibility to do their part to achieve the goals they have laid out for us.

Climate change is affecting us here in Delaware, right now, but we know that it is going to have the biggest impact on future generations yet to come. Already, we've seen flooding from Hurricane Ida driving people out of their homes in Wilmington and tornadoes destroying property and, sadly, claiming lives in Kent County and Sussex County.

We owe it to our children and grandchildren to do all way can to ensure they can enjoy the same quality of life that we have had the privilege of enjoying. That means protecting sensitive and valuable open spaces and wetlands and using the land itself to help reduce the impacts of climate change.

We are spending taxpayer dollars without adequate planning regarding climate impacts, sea level rise, flooding, and increased precipitation. This lack of planning will cost us billions down the road if we don't change course now. Meanwhile, we are missing out on thousands of good paying jobs that can help build our economy and protect our environment!
That is why we need Climate Change Solutions Act passed this year.

The Climate Change Solutions Act will:
-Set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets to at least 50% by 2030 and put us on a path to Net Zero by 2050
-Require the state to take climate change into account when making major investments and purchasing decisions
-Instruct state government to update the climate action plan every two years and develop resiliency strategies to help the First State address climate-related challenges
-Recognize the disproportionate impact of climate change on certain communities and ensure that emission reduction strategies do not disproportionately impact overburdened communities
-Codify an open, inclusive, and transparent process for developing future climate action plans

Now we need to stand form in support of real solutions and fight back against false solutions!

Standing Firm on Alternative Fuels

It is incredibly important for us to transition away from dirty fuels like oil and coal, but it is just as important to stand firm when it comes to the alternatives. While “renewable natural gas” (aka Methane), when done responsibly, could reduce impacts of fracking, we still need to be smart about its uses and electrify wherever possible to reduce the need for RNG. The Sierra Club Delaware Chapter firmly opposes the use of methane or renewable natural gas in homes and businesses and supports the electrification of appliances that are used in our homes. 

Similarly, hydrogen could have a role to play in the decarbonization of high-heat industrial processes and heavy-duty transportation, but we need to be conscious of the risks that it poses in areas where there previously were none. We believe that we should still electrify and increase efficiency wherever possible and in areas where that is not possible, provide robust opportunities for community engagement and benefits from projects. Like RNG, hydrogen has no place in our homes and we will continue to push back against any recommendations to extend the life of fossil fuel infrastructure and endanger the health of our communities and our planet.

Check out our other campaigns and work in Delaware:

Renewables in Delaware

Pushing for Offshore Wind, Equitable Access to Solar, and a Strong Community Solar Program

Clean Transportation For All

Pushing for Access To Clean Vehicles For All, More Walkable/Bikeable Communities, and a Stronger Public Transit System

We also have a FAQ page for the new Advanced Clean Cars 2 program adopted in 2023.