Beyond Protesting: Resources to Build Momentum for Racial Justice

By Beth Chajes

Whenever a mass demonstration or protest is planned, the question always arises:  What's next?

So often, we turn out to make our voices heard, only to return to the status quo. We must ask ourselves how we can sustain the energy of the protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and turn it into lasting change. White people who are newly awakened to their own culpability in maintaining our racist systems and their responsibility for dismantling those systems can begin by educating themselves and supporting the organizations on the front lines of the fight for racial justice.

General infographic reading support the movement for black lives matter

To this end, we have pulled together a list that can serve as a starting point. The list will be updated as new resources come to our attention.

Donate or volunteer to support the work of the following groups:

Delaware-focused groups:

National or Minnesota-focused groups:

Understand and support national and local policy proposals:

Support Black-owned businesses in Delaware:

 Self-education resources for White people: