Looking forward: Addressing climate change

A hand holding a globe with the text "Climate Change" above the globe.2019 is shaping up to be a year of progress in Delaware.   What has changed? First, we have a new legislature in town, and many of our State legislators have committed to protect our environment.  Second, recent climate change reports are predicting serious environmental threats if we don’t accelerate efforts to address climate change. Delaware is uniquely situated because of its low elevation.  Significant sea level rises could put as much as 1/3 of the state underwater.

Governor Carney recognizes the importance of addressing climate change.  He joined with 16 other states to form the U.S. Climate Alliance. In the Governor’s “State of the State” address in January 2019, Carney committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 to at least 26% below 2005 levels, (consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement). He has promised to accelerate policies to reduce carbon pollution and promote clean energy. These are important steps, and the Sierra Club Chapter, its members, and dedicated volunteers will let our voices be heard and will advocate for legislation and Executive action to lower greenhouse gases and meet the challenges of climate change.

Our State legislative and policy priorities in 2019 will focus on: 1) reducing our dependence on fossil fuels by requiring that utilities obtain 50% of their energy from clean renewable energy by 2032; 2) providing renewable energy incentives; 3) supporting clean transportation solutions in Delaware and regionally through the Transportation and Climate Initiative; 4) strengthening our drinking water protection; 5) coastal protection including wetlands, increased buffers, and protecting aquifers from saltwater encroachment; and 5) supporting a ban on single use plastic bags.  We are also working with our Congressional delegation to ban fracking, seismic air gun testing, and offshore drilling; and to stop the erosion of environmental laws that protect our air and water quality.

By collaborating with you, we plan to provide education and outreach to local governments, students, and residents to demonstrate that we can take action to reduce our environmental impact.  We plan to sponsor a climate change symposium in the fall of 2019 and will include workshops that demonstrate what we can do. A key focus of our outreach will be working with underserved populations who often bear the burden of environmental regulations.

Stay tuned for action alerts requesting that you sign petitions, write letters, submit Op-Eds, meet with legislators or make calls when our voices need to be heard.  We will also provide updates in our newsletters, on social media and our newly designed website.