2024 Candidate Endorsements

Our endorsed candidates are champions that we can count on to fight for policies that build the clean energy economy, create jobs, transition Delaware to 100% clean energy, promote environmental justice, and protect our land, water, and communities from pollution. Let's work together to elect environmental champions and climate justice advocates Delaware needs.

Congratulations to the following candidates who have earned the endorsement from our chapter:

US House of Representatives

Sarah McBride https://www.sarahmcbride.com

US Senate

Lisa Blunt Rochester https://lisabluntrochester.com

Delaware State Senate

(see map of senate districts) [https://elections.delaware.gov/maps/pdfs/sen-district-overview_36x60_statewide.pdf]

SD 3 S. Elizabeth Lockman http://lockmanforsenate.org

SD 4 Laura V. Sturgeon https://sturgeonforstatesenate.com

SD 6 Russell Huxtable https://russhuxtable.com

SD 10 Stephanie L. Hansen https://hansenforsenate.org

SD 17 Trey Paradee https://electparadee.com

Delaware State House

(see map of house districts) [https://elections.delaware.gov/maps/pdfs/rep-district-overview_36x60_statewide.pdf]

RD 3 Branden Fletcher-Dominguez https://brandenfletcher.com

RD 5 Kendra Johnson  https://kendrafordelaware.com

RD 6 Debra Heffernan  https://www.debraheffernan.com

RD 8 Sherae'a "Rae" Moore https://www.moreforde.com

RD 9 Terrell A. Williams https://terrell4de.com

RD 12 Krista Griffith  https://kristagriffith.com

RD 13 DeShanna Neal  https://www.deshanna4district13.com

RD 15 Valerie Longhurst https://valerielonghurst.com

RD 16 Franklin D. Cooke  https://www.frankcooke.com

RD 18 Sophie Phillips https://www.sophiekp4de.com

RD 21 Frank Burns https://changeforthe21st.org

RD 24 Edward S. Osienski  https://www.goeddieo.org

RD 25 Cyndie Romer  https://www.romerfordelaware.com

RD 26 Madinah Wilson-Anton  https://www.madinahfordelaware.com

RD 27 Eric Morrison https://www.ericmorrison4the27th.com

RD 29 William Bush https://bush29th.com

RD 32 Kerri Evelyn Harris  https://www.kerrifordelaware.com

RD 41 Tom Brett https://brettfordelaware.com

New Castle County Executive

Marcus Henry https://marcushenryde.com

New Castle County Council 

(see map of NCCC districts) [https://elections.delaware.gov/maps/cclevy/2023/newcastle/ncc-cc-overview_36x60.pdf]

NCC D8 John J. Cartier  https://www.newcastlede.gov/505/John-Cartier---District-8

NCC D12 Kevin Caneco http://www.canecoforncc.com