D.C. Sierra Club Announces Endorsements for 2016 D.C. Council Races




April 21, 2016

D.C. Sierra Club Announces Endorsements for 2016 D.C. Council Races

Local chapter of nation’s largest grassroots environmental group endorses slate of climate and clean energy champions

Washington, D.C. – To mark Earth Day, the D.C. Chapter of the Sierra Club is pleased to announce endorsements for the 2016 D.C. Council elections.

In the at-large Council race, the Club is proud to endorse incumbent Councilmember David Grosso and Democratic challenger Robert White. (The two highest vote getters in this race win a seat on the Council.)

David Grosso is one of the strongest environmentalists on the Council. Over his first term in office, he has been a key ally in combating climate change, reducing waste, and supporting transit and bicycling. Councilmember Grosso is sponsoring legislation to expand D.C.'s Renewable Portfolio Standard to 50 percent clean energy by 2032 and has committed to setting a goal of 100 percent clean energy by 2050. The field for the non-majority party at-large seat on the Council is not yet set, but given his strong record, the Sierra Club is making an early endorsement for Councilmember David Grosso's re-election bid.

In the Democratic primary for the at-large seat, the Sierra Club is proud to endorse Robert White. He will bring a new perspective to the Council, work to expand recycling, incentivize rooftop solar and other forms of clean and renewable energy, and fully fund the D.C. Streetcar. He has committed to working with the Sierra Club to make the District a national leader in addressing climate change.

In Ward 7, the Club endorses Vince Gray. While serving as mayor, his administration released Sustainable DC and moveDC, long-term plans for environmental protection and sustainable transportation. He remains a strong advocate for both plans and says that if elected to the Council, he will work to make sure both are implemented. He is strongly committed to expanding clean energy and to extending the D.C. Streetcar beyond the currently-planned East-West line, both for environmental and economic development reasons. Vince Gray was a strong environmental ally in his past service in D.C. government. We believe that will continue if he's elected this fall.

"We are very pleased to announce today that the Sierra Club officially endorses David Grosso, Robert White, and Vince Gray," said Matthew Gravatt, Chair of the D.C. Chapter. "We are confident that they will continue work to protect the health of D.C. families, expand renewable energy options in the District, and build a clean energy economy that works for D.C."

Along with the endorsement, the Sierra Club will lend its volunteer strength to these campaigns.  

"We pledge to do all we can to help ensure these candidates are elected," said Mark Rodeffer, Political Chair of the D.C. Chapter. "Sierra Club volunteers will contact voters on their behalf and we will speak to the public as often as possible about their exemplary environmental records. We look forward to victories for these environmental champions and to supporting them as they continue fighting for the environment on the D.C. Council."

The D.C. Chapter of the Sierra Club hopes to make endorsements in the Council races in Ward 2, Ward 4, and Ward 8 as we continue interviewing candidates in those races.

Contact: washingtondc.chapter@sierraclub.org

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 2.4 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. The Washington, D.C. Chapter has more than 2,500 members in D.C. For more information, visit dc.sierraclub.org