Vote Yes on Prop 1 this November - Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act

New York State lawmakers recently passed the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act, a historic piece of  legislation that will fund critical environmental protection and restoration projects throughout the state. Now, it’s up to  voters to vote yes on Prop 1 in the general election on November 8. 
Projects supported by the Bond Act will: 
• Safeguard clean drinking water, preventing contamination and pollution 
• Update aging or failing water and sewer infrastructure 
• Reduce carbon pollution that causes climate change 
• Preserve forests, wetlands, and other wildlife habitats 
• And more! 
The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter supports Prop 1 - the Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Act. This historic proposal will offer the funding opportunities for sustainable infrastructure and will finance projects that protect critical habitats, restore wetlands, prevent floods, and safeguard our drinking water.
We are counting on you to vote all the way to the end of your ballot on November 8th, VOTE YES on Prop 1, and help us spread the word by sharing on social media and talking to your friends  and family! 
To learn more, visit

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