Thelma Fellows

I would appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Atlantic Chapter ExCom, and would value your vote.  In 2012, I served as Chair of the NYC Sierra Club Group.  That year, I located a widely accessible venue and resumed monthly programming, which had lapsed for two years.  I eliminated some of the rancor that had been constant in past years at ExCom meetings.  I formed a leadership committee to participate in Sierra National’s leadership program, and this year, invited them to present an election workshop to consider electronic voting which we are now initiating. 

Previously, I chaired the NYC City Sierra Club Photography Committee for four years.  I began an annual joint holiday fundraising celebration bringing together both groups for the first time since the Photography Committee separated from the main group.  While chairing, I led two weekend outings to the Catskills and one day trip to the Rockefeller Preserve Art Gallery and Stone Barn where we had recently had an exhibit.

Currently, I participate on the NYC Sierra Club Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Task Force. I worked with the Long Island Sierra Club and other environmental groups to present a panel on various aspects of the TPP.  

In the past, I co-wrote a grant application for $50,000 to start a recycling center in Lewiston, Idaho where I lived.  It operated several years before the city began its own program. 

Currently, I serve on the NYC ExCom and am an alternate delegate to the Atlantic Chapter ExCom. 718-460-6734

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