Sierra Club Applauds Leadership of Governor, Legislature in Passing Strategic Environmental Measures in Budget, Amidst COVID-19 Crisis


Contact: Roger Downs (518) 944-0992



Albany, NY- In a time of especially difficult negotiating and voting conditions, and with deepening deficit projections, Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature are on track to pass a budget this week that will address the COVID-19 crisis, and the fiscal needs of the state during this unprecedented emergency. New York lawmakers have built upon their compassionate leadership by including new, strong environmental initiatives in the budget, recognizing that we can’t lose sight of other ongoing global threats like the climate crisis. Notable environmental agreements between the Governor and the Legislature include:

  • A $3 Billion ‘Restore Mother Nature’ Bond Act that will go before the voters in November for approval. This once-in-a-generation fund will finance projects that protect critical habitats, restore wetlands, prevent floods, and safeguard our drinking water.

  • ‘The Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act’ will remove significant renewable energy siting barriers that are currently undermining our ability to meet NY’s nation-leading climate goals. As part of this streamlined new permitting program, communities will have greater environmental and economic opportunities to benefit from hosting wind and solar projects as we see a vast new expansion of renewable energy resources in NY.

  • A fully funded $300 million Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) will ensure that NY’s primary funding source for critical programs such as land acquisition, farmland and open space protection, drinking water infrastructure, and waste reduction will continue to support the health and prosperity of all NY’s communities.

  • The enshrining of NY’s historic fracking ban into law, which will ensure that the state can continue to move forward in protecting our air, water and public health, while we build a better renewable energy future.

  • A ban on disposable polystyrene food containers and packing peanuts, which will end the scourge of this non-recyclable material clogging our waterways and endangering wildlife across NYS.

  • Important Chapter amendments to implement the groundbreaking Child Safe Products Act, comprehensive toxic chemical reform that will require harmful and toxic chemicals be disclosed, and the eventual phase out of the most toxic chemicals in children’s products in NYS.

In response, Roger Downs, Conservation Director for the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter said:

“As President Trump moves to repeal environmental safeguards during the pandemic, New York lawmakers are leading with the foresight that the public health crisis only deepens if we do not live up to our environmental and climate commitments. Projects funded through the ‘Restore Mother Nature Bond Act’, the Environmental Protection Fund or the new renewable energy siting law will not only protect critical environmental resources and jumpstart wind and solar development— they will also provide thousands of New Yorkers with family-supporting jobs when the COVID-19 emergency finally passes.”

“These are extraordinarily difficult times, and we can not lose focus on policies in the coming weeks and months that will provide the most care and security for New Yorkers, especially our most vulnerable.  Enshrining the fracking ban in law, banning disposable polystyrene products, and ridding toxic chemicals from children's products are by no means token measures. Each contributes greatly to the long term well-being of our communities and ecosystems and ensures that the state can continue to move forward in protecting our air, water and public health, while we build a better renewable energy future to address the climate crisis.  The Sierra Club thanks Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature for demonstrating to the nation what compassionate and steady leadership looks like in these unprecedented times.”

