Seeking Editor for Sierra Atlantic - Updated

The Sierra Club’s Atlantic Chapter, which encompasses all of New York State, seeks to hire a professional editor for our quarterly newsletter, the Sierra Atlantic, the Chapter’s major publication. It appears in both printed and online editions. Both formats may be seen here.

The Chapter’s volunteer Sierra Atlantic Committee oversees the content of the Sierra Atlantic and will work with the editor to solicit articles and edit article content.  

We are looking for an editor who is generally familiar with environmental issues, especially in New York State, and who can perform the following tasks:

  • Work on a regular basis with the Sierra Atlantic Committee
  • Solicit articles from Club members and others working on issues relevant to the Chapter
  • Edit article content and work directly with the authors
  • Track the status of articles
  • Copy edit final article drafts

We prefer that the editor also be responsible for laying out the three quarterly issues that are printed and mailed to our Club members. Currently, layout is done by a separate contractor.

If you’re interested in providing these paid services or know someone who would be qualified to do so, please contact Sierra Atlantic Co-chairs Susan Lawrence and Kate Bartholomew by August 23. We are especially interested in contracting for these services from someone who will enable the Chapter to improve the presentation and content of the Sierra Atlantic. Please submit a letter of interest, resume and examples of relevant editorial work to Susan Lawrence and Kate Bartholomew by August 23. 

Note: This notice to hire an editor for the Sierra Atlantic was last included in the Fall 2018/Winter 2019 Sierra Atlantic.  If you have applied before, please let us know of your continued interest. We will be contacting you shortly.



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