Sara Schultz At Large 2015 Election

I believe that being active in an environmental organization such as the Sierra Club is the most important way I can contribute to the healing of the planet from the degradation of air, land and water that has taken place over so many years. I joined the Niagara Group Executive Committee in 2010 realizing that my lifestyle choices alone would not be enough.

Getting active in Sierra Club has opened up a wider range of opportunities to contribute. I am the secretary for the Niagara Group. I also co-chair the tabling committee, write LTE’s, speak at public meetings, lobby politicians, help with the organization of events and manage our meet-up page. I have been our state delegate since January and I am learning how I can contribute to the work on a larger scale. 

I have been active in my town with our group, Amherst Against Fracking. Together, with our small team, we have passed a resolution to ban fracking and fracking waste. This resolution will be voted into permanent legislation by August if our Board Members are being true to should be permanent legislation by the end of October. Renewable energy, anti-fracking work, campaign finance reform and participation in interfaith environmental education are the areas that I am most passionate about. Finally, my husband and I are hoping to train as SC outings leaders next spring. We are both passionate about experiencing the natural environment and viewing wildlife. We would like to share our love of this with others. I hope to serve as an At-large member of the Atlantic Chapter so I can continue to learn and grow in my activism. I am very eager to serve this vital cause with passion and conviction. Thanks! Sara Schultz 
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