Renewables Now

Help NYS get 50% of its electricity from renewables by 2030
by Bob Ciesielski, Atlantic Chapter Energy Committee Chair
If you haven’t installed solar panels on your residence, or obtained solar or wind power through a community power project, consider purchasing renewable electricity through your utility. The more orders placed for electricity sourced from solar or wind, the easier it will be for the PSC and our state to meet their renewable electricity goals.

Go to your local electric utility website. Many utilities, such as NYSEG and National Grid, have in-house renewable electricity suppliers, to which you may switch at a slight premium to your bill.

Go shopping for renewable energy packages through Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) at Type in your zip code and ESCOs will pop up, with prices, supplier name and length of contract. Click on “Details” to see the percentage of electricity that comes from “green” sources, which excludes fossil and nuclear fuels. If you sign up for a fixed plan, you should review the package’s expiration date to check for future rates. These suppliers may be less expensive than your current traditional source.

The NYS PSC also provides a list of ESCOs with certified green-power options at Put in your zip code, choose “electric” for service type, choose “Fixed/Variable” for offer type, and then click “Find Offers.” Companies with a green feather by their names have certified green-power options.

If you obtain your electricity through an ESCO, you’ll generally be billed through your current electric utility. Check to see if the plan provides 100% renewable energy. Caveat: The State of New York has cautioned consumers to be aware of price-increases by ESCOs, especially those selling non-renewable products. Keep track of your prices with either variable or fixed plans.

Your individual action will help NYS become 100% renewable.

Additional Information
  • "ENERGY SHEETS” Available
    • The Energy Committee surveyed all of our 11 local Groups in the Atlantic Chapter early this Summer.  A number of responses requested that simple fact sheets be made available to our members and Groups on different energy related issues.
    • The Committee has responded and placed the first batch of “Energy Sheets” on our Chapter’s website at /  These sheets can be downloaded and distributed. The initial sheets discuss purchasing and charging electric vehicles, the Clean Energy Communities program sponsored by NYSERDA, and a two part sheet on Why and How To purchase renewable electricity for your residence through your electric utility provider.
  • Buy Renewable Electricity Now!
    • If you have not installed solar panels on your residence, or obtain solar or wind power through a community power project, consider purchasing renewable electricity through your utility. The more orders placed for electricity sourced from solar or wind, the easier it will be for the PSC and our State to meet or surpass their 2030 renewable electricity goals.
    • For more information, go to “Energy Sheets” on the Chapter website. See the two-part sheet “Power of Purchasing - Why" and "Power of Purchasing - How To"Your individual action will help make the tide of renewable electricity unstoppable!


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