Protecting Our Oceans — Educational Resources

by Lisa DiCaprio, NYC Group Conservation Chair
Sylvia Earle is a world-renowned oceanographer, president of the environmental organization Mission Blue and author of several books, including The World is Blue: How Our Fate and the Oceans’ Are One (National Geographic, 2009). For more biographical information, see here.
In this February 19, 2009, TED Talk, “My wish: Protect our oceans,” Sylvia Earle describes why and how we can protect our oceans.
For Earth Day 2017, Sylvia Earle contributed to “The Planet Can’t Stand This Presidency,” an Earth Day weekend feature in the April 23, 2017 New York Times, Sunday Review, which includes reflections by several scientists. Dr. Earle wrote about species extinction, with particular reference to horseshoe crabs. See here

These recent scientific studies highlight how human activities are imperiling our oceans:


Resources for Protecting Our Oceans


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