Ken Baer

Petition candidate

As a Sierra Club activist it has always been an exhilarating experience to lobby elected officials on environmental issues. I have engaged over 300 legislators on such issues as fracking, water use, solid waste, incineration, piping plovers, wetlands, indoor air pollution, lead poisoning, and development issues.

I have been involved with the following Sierra Club efforts:

• Promoting the September, 2014 People’s Climate March

• Initiating and fundraising for an anti-fracking radio ad campaign in the Southern Tier aimed at Governor Cuomo

• Educating society about the dangers of severe storms and preventing development in flood zones

• Organizing environmentalists and lobbying legislators on fracking so we can protect our watersheds and farms

• Closing the Indian Point nuclear power plant

• Promoting renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency to reduce greenhouse gases

• Educating residents about CAFO’s

• Fighting to stop luxury condos from being constructed in Brooklyn Bridge Park

• Demonstrating against the use of pesticides

My vision for the chapter is to have a greater public presence, attract new members, and recruit additional activists.

As always, I remain an advocate for animals, an avid recycler, a user of mass transit, and a vegetarian.



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