Kate Bartholomew At Large 2015 Election

I ask your support as I seek another term as an At-Large Delegate to the Chapter ExCom. When last I ran, there was still fear of what path our Governor would choose to walk on fracking, as well as what stand national leadership would choose on that same issue, and whether it would be taken on granite or quicksand. 

We have those answers now, but there is no lull in our struggles. If anything, these accomplishments were marked by new and renewed challenges.

Though fracking may no longer be breathing down our necks in New York, neighboring states are not free of it and gas from them is still travelling through our landscape on an ever increasing spider-webbing network of pipelines and tributary lines. Also we have LNG import terminals that are actually export terminals, tar sand oil bomb trains, compressor stations, imported fracking waste to landfills, etc.

Meanwhile, respected climate scientist James Hanson releases a paper with an urgent message: Without profound action as an international community, the world will be facing 8 to 9 meters of sea level rise by the turn of the century. Translation romancing transition fuels needs to end yesterday.

At this point, any dalliance with complacency has to be abandoned. It is going to require every one of us, from all backgrounds, walks of life, countries of origin, of all ages, genders and ethnicities working together to have any chance to reverse the momentum of these planetary systems. We can give nothing less than everything in this struggle, because we are only borrowing this planet from our children and great-grandchildren. That is what I offer.

Kate Bartholomew
Member and Chair Finger Lakes Group
Co-Chair Atlantic Chapter Gas Task Force
To contact me: 607-228-7371 or ecogreenwolf@gmail.com


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