Jim Lane


My ballot statement mentions that I’m the Political Compliance Officer for the Atlantic Chapter.  Here, I’ll elaborate on that – and, along with asking for your vote, make another request.

As Compliance Officer for the past several years, I monitor and advise on the Sierra Club’s process of endorsing political candidates in New York state.  In 2014, we’ll be busy, with elections for the entire state legislature, the top state offices (Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Comptroller), and our 27 Congressmembers.

We can’t make any endorsements unless we comply with very detailed rules from National.  We’re also required to have Chapter rules, and I served on the committee that wrote them.  Naturally, we must obey the laws relating to campaign activities by organizations.  It’s my job to be on top of all these requirements.  I answer questions from activists around the state and make sure everything we do is proper.

The endorsement process is a key aspect of our fight for the environment.  Yes, we sign petitions, hold rallies, and do other things to try to influence elected officials.  In addition, though, we can help determine who’ll be making the decisions.  As an attorney, I’ve litigated to overturn anti-environmental official actions; it’s more effective to elect better officials who don’t make bad decisions in the first place.

So, yes, vote for me, rah rah, etc., but here’s my promised other request: If you have any interest in politics, please consider getting involved in 2014.  Your local Group has a Political Committee, as does the Chapter.  They’re all volunteers.  You can help pick Sierra Club’s endorsees and then help elect them – and, as Pete Seeger sang, somehow we’re gonna save tomorrow.

In this Chapter election, I recommend you also support Jeff Bohner, Diane Buxbaum, and Don Young.


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