Jeff Bohner At Large 2015 Election

I have over 25 years of experience as a leader in the Sierra Club both in the Susquehanna Group, and in the Atlantic Chapter – serving as Chapter Chair for the last 3 years.   As Chairperson, I proudly presided over the chapter that led the nation in opposing hydrofracking.  I was instrumental in our bold backing of Zephyr Teachout in the last race for NY governor.   I believe that we must hold firm on environmental ideals at times when compromising will lead to a darker future.  This means encouraging renewable energy while discouraging gas pipes, oil trains, gas storage in salt mines, importation of fracking wastes, and building desalination plants. I come from upstate New York, and I now live in the Bronx teaching youth in the Bronx to appreciate nature.  
While more people today care about the environment, few people attempt to make the radical changes in our lifestyle necessary to avert forthcoming extinctions and environmental catastrophes. Leaders must encourage us to scrutinize our individual actions, and actions of entities whose success depends on “growth” through the use of limited resources.  This necessitates a major shift in values concerning the environment.  If you have questions, contact me at
Jeff Bohner