Jeff Bohner


We can be proud of the work done by the Atlantic Chapter especially against fracking, our biggest fight. Global climate change threatens our future and action is vital, but we are losing our soul: our members. Sierra Club groups find fewer people on their roster, and even fewer volunteers. Declining membership, however, has not resulted in revenue decline. Corporate and individual sponsors keep our organization at operating capacity. Club decisions come less from our grassroots members, with moral and scientific reasoning, and more from those large donors, who stand to gain financially. Subtle shifts in priorities and direction, not guided by morality or solid science, can go unnoticed until it is too late.

The Atlantic Chapter must lead to conserve resources, prevent fracking, stop natural gas pipelines, shift to renewable energy, and protect open space and wetlands. My volunteer experience (currently as chapter chair), my background teaching environmental science, and living both in Binghamton and the Bronx, give me a broad perspective. I would make it a priority, as an At-Large member, to recruit and engage more people in our organization. I am guided by what is morally right, and keen to insure that financial interests don’t dictate environmental priorities.




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