Harold (Hal) Bauer


We were 3-billion people in 1960, when I entered my NYC-High School.  Now at 7.1-billion, valuing smaller, healthier, families globally is essential for sustainable futures.  Our explosive growth/consumption causes most human-environmental problems.  Pushing women’s education, reproductive rights and humanely promoting family planning, is inexpensive, compared to adding billions and further climate change, the most important challenge of our time

In October 2012, Super Storm Sandy’s impact on NYC/Long Island signaled the energy of future storms, as unprecedented droughts, wildfires and scarcity-wars spread globally.  Our movement in the Feb. 17th DC Rally Forward on Climate was pivotal, and included Michael Brune & Bill McKibben’s White House protest arrests. 

In 2013 I led our Chapter to adopt a 100 % renewable energy policy by 2030 from our Energy Committee, and promoted divesting NYS retirement funds from all fossil fuel corporations through our Energy Committee and Gas-Drilling Taskforce resolutions.   Making needed, immediate transformations to clean and free energy from wind, geothermal & sun-power on a modernized electric grid are the challenges we face. 

Our current Chapter leadership ought to support three-term-limits for all delegates, in the effort to recruit, train and seek new volunteer skills.  At OWS, and Occupy in Rochester, I witnessed a new democratic process.  Military solutions, money = speech & fossil fuel costs aren’t 21st Century.

Locally, I farm using organic practices, as a NOFA NY Farmer’s Pledge farmer in the Western Finger Lakes.  In Dansville, I welcomed hundreds of witnesses to the first DEC Hearing on fracking and in 2013 hosted Frack Free Genesee’s viewing of Gasland 2.   We promote wilderness, and question wolf delisting & fracking.  Now I request your vote, after two-terms, to be an independent voice for NYS Sierra Club members as an At-Large Chapter delegate.

Nature provides us our essential needs, and demands conservation now. 

Hal Bauer, Ph.D. evolutionary biology

wilds@newyork.sierraclub.org  50th Anniversary, Wilderness Act 2014.

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