Gale Pisha: Nanuet, Rockland County

As I complete my first term as an At-Large Delegate to the SCAC ExCom, I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to help the Chapter work against climate change and protect our air, water, and wild places. 

I now co-chair the SCAC Legislative Committee, which works to get good bills passed. Last year, we developed a volunteer training webinar and created a list of members we can ask to contact their legislators. I helped the committee to write 20 bill memos regarding important legislation and encouraged Club members to meet with legislators in their districts.

Sierra Club staff and volunteers should work together with mutual respect, and bring the skills and passions of each together to effectively forward the Club’s goals, including quickly moving NYS to 100% renewable energy. To this end, I have helped coordinate the Chapter and staff efforts on the 100% Clean Energy for All campaign and contributed to a toolkit of resources for municipalities. 

I would appreciate your support to continue this and additional work during a second term. Contact me at

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