Executive Committee Report: Fall 2014

The Atlantic Chapter ExCom held its fall quarterly meeting in Syracuse on September 27. The ExCom heard a recap of the successful People’s Climate March, including consideration of how to build on it going forward.

In personnel matters, the ExCom thanked Bob Kerr, who is retiring after 26 years’ chairing the Office and Personnel Committee and managing the Albany office; made Joanne Gorski the Chair of the Political Committee; and voted to send both our Delegate and Alternate to the national Council of Club Leaders meeting later this year.

In matters relating to future ExCom meetings, the ExCom set the calendar for 2015 and voted to explore incorporating Internet technology to allow remote participation in meetings (in lieu of the current unreliable telephone system). A Bylaws amendment to impose term limits will be presented to the membership for a vote next year.

We me at the Onondaga Lake Visitors Center, which is funded and operated by Honeywell under a consent decree for the cleanup of the lake, and the ExCom heard presentations about the progress of the cleanup.

At a telephone conference meeting in August, the ExCom approved two recommendations to the national Club: that the Club urge President Obama and the participants in the UN Climate Summit to take specific strong measures to address climate change, and that the Club revise its internal process for the discipline or expulsion of members so as to be more open and democratic.