Ellen Banks 2019 Bio

I was elected an at-large delegate to the Chapter ExCom in late 2017 and immediately asked to serve as Conservation Chair. Though not clear on the position’s responsibilities I soon learned, and found the experience challenging and fulfilling. Re-elected Conservation Chair in 2019, I reached out to Groups about projects, encouraged Groups to apply for Club grants, started the Chapter’s Hudson River Committee to develop science-based policy re ocean rise and other river challenges, and participated in weekly legislative and policy calls, staff recruitment, lobbying and working with coalition partners.
I have a love for wilderness, from childhood in the foothills of the Adirondacks and Girl Scout camp near Lake George, to many wilderness canoe trips in recent years. I’ve been the Niagara Group’s Energy Chair, a frequent letter-to-editor writer advocating local wind power, helping start Clean Energy Community and Climate Smart Community initiatives, and opposing local gas infrastructure. I’ve done community outreach and coordinated with coalition partners. At the Chapter I helped develop the Municipal Toolkit to inform local governments about paths to clean energy. I've lobbied at the state and federal level, and have volunteered with the Beyond Coal Campaign New York team.
As a retired professor of psychological science, I know decisions should be grounded in science and data. Life and work have taught me cultural fluency and awareness of social inequities. I’m a community and family mediator, committed to peaceful and constructive solutions. I hope to continue on the Chapter ExCom as we strive to leave fossil fuels in the ground, support a just transition to clean renewable energy, and protect the air, water, land and species we have put in danger.
Email Ellen at ebanks@daemen.edu with any questions.