Electric Cars — A Good Deal Now

by Kat Fisher, Sierra Club’s NY Electric Vehicle Representative

There are several significant incentives out there that New Yorkers can use to save money while driving clean. The New York Drive Electric Vehicle Rebate, implemented this past March, offers up to $2,000 off the sticker price of a car for sale or lease. 1,600 rebates have been issued in NY in the last four months. With federal and state incentives alone, more than half the new electric vehicles on the market are under $30,000 new. Some manufacturers offer enormous discounts as well, with Nissan offering an addition $10,000 off a limited number of new Leafs. In addition, with the federal tax credit, there are more reasons than ever to buy now.

Utilities are also beginning to offer charging incentives. Con Ed has been leading the way in NY by devoting millions of dollars to electric vehicle projects. One incentive program it offers, SmartChangeNY, provides anyone charging in their service territory, even non-customers, up to $360 in annual savings. While Con Ed serves New York City and Westchester County, utilities like National Grid and Central Hudson also will likely begin to offer electric vehicle incentives.

The other benefits of owning an electric vehicle include the quiet ride, never having to stop at a gas station (for all-electric vehicles), fewer oil changes and service visits. Plug-in hybrids can use the back-up option of gas when needed for especially long trips.

New cars of any make are not for everyone, true enough. But used electric vehicles, especially ones coming off a two- or three-year lease, should appeal to everyone because in NY the batteries are warranted for up to 10 years/100,000 miles and the sticker price can be as low as $6,000 for a car with 20,000 or 30,000 miles.

Electricity in NY is 25 percent renewable, so these energy dollars stay in our state. With fewer and fewer environmental protections at the federal level, it’s more important than ever to reduce pollution and emissions wherever we can to help the warming planet. While many of us know that, it’s also good to know there are quiet, modern cars with superior torque that can save you money while helping to save our earth.

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