Don Young

Hello, Fellow Sierrans! 

Photos by Don Young

In my ballot statement in the Sierra Atlantic, I mentioned my romantic attraction to the American West, especially the Southwest. The beauties and mysteries of its remote landscapes have great appeal. I always want to know: What is around the next bend in a narrow, trwisty slot canyon? Who might have carved thousand-year-old petroglyphs on a rock wall? How did powerful forces within the earth, and then erosion, create supersized rock formations in bright colors of robust orange and delicate pink?

  In writing and editing more than 20 books on national parks, wilderness, and historic preservation, including The Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks (5 volumes, editor) and in my photography, I have sought to lift public understanding and appreciation of all that we have and value, and need to save.

  Members of Congress from New York have led efforts to pass the Utah Wilderness Act and the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, after Western politicians opposed them. Our Sierra Club endorsements—and your votes—matter!

  Destructive hydraulic fracturing is the latest threat to conservation and public health from the West to the East. I applaud efforts by those in this Chapter who have spearheaded the fight against fracking, even though the Club's national leadership has been less forceful.

  If elected at-large, I will continue commitments I have made to our future, as Chapter Chair (3 years), New York City Group Chair (2 years), and Chapter delegate to the club’s Council of Club Leaders (6 years). 

All the candidates in this election have worked hard in behalf of great causes. I especially welcome the opportunity to speak up for my longtime friends and colleagues Diane Buxbaum, Jim Lane, and Jeff Bohner.

Thanks for all that you do for the environment!

----Don Young



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