Don’t miss out on the rooftop revolution in New York!

Every single day, there are things we can do, choices we can make, that help protect the planet. Small or large, they make a difference.

If you're gauging effort versus impact, it's tough to make a more effective choice than making the switch to clean energy by choosing to power your home with sunshine. As New York continues to divest from oil, coal, and natural gas, there is no better way for you to invest in clean energy solutions than to go solar at home. 

Through an innovative partnership with Sungevity, a leading national solar company, the Atlantic Chapter is able to offer members and supporters like you an affordable and easy way to go solar.

When you go solar with the Sierra Club and Sungevity, you will receive a special $750 discount and Sungevity will send the Sierra Club $750 to protect local wildlife and wild lands, keep our air and water clean, and move us toward a clean energy future.

“In order to end our dependence on dirty energy, we need as many Americans as possible to switch to clean energy like rooftop solar. This is a high priority for the Sierra Club. We are urging all of our members and supporters in New York to work with Sungevity to find out if solar is right for them. Every home that goes solar gets us one step closer to our goal of a clean energy economy,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune.

Clean energy is winning. Are you going to be a part of the victory?

Getting started with solar is quick and easy. It takes less than three minutes. Request an iQuote from Sungevity to get started today or call 844-815-5614 for more information.

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