Diane Buxbaum AtLarge 2015 Election

Abbreviated CV: Diane Buxbaum  ddbuxbaum@earthlink.net, 718-855-2399, dianebuxbaum.com

Education: Arizona State University--major biology.  Research assistant--Poisonous Animals Research Laboratory.  Scorpion, gila monster and rattlesnake venoms research.   Helped discover: scorpion venom and demerol were synergistic causing 11 infant deaths.
UCLA major marine zoology. Research--sea urchin ecology, copepod behavior. BA Zoology
Graduate studies Hunter College.  Research--contaminants in organic cereals. Masters of Environmental Health Sciences.
Environmental Public Health, Columbia University.  Research--recycling programs in major metropolitan areas (chapter in solid waste management publication).  Masters of Public Health.
Solid Waste Management Handbook, coauthored chapter Perception and Community Relations.
Doctoral Studies Field Ecology Fordham University.  Research--changes in pollen distribution associated with climate change. 30 credits. 

Employment: Fred C. Hart environmental consultants, 1 year.
Hunter College: Assistant Professor Environmental Health Science, 3 years.
USEPA Region 2, 1982-2014.  Solid Waste program, Risk Assessments, Lead Inspector Pesticide Good Laboratory Practice program, Compliance Assistance--dry cleaners, academic institutions, hospitals, federal facilities. Gold, bronze award recipient.

Started second citizen recycling Brooklyn-1970 which continued in the Prospect Park South—Ditmas Park, 15 years.
Served on solid waste planning programs at City and State level.
Sierra Club Activist from 1999: Currently Member of the NYC Group ExCom, Group Conservation Co-Chair, Member of Population Committee,  Point Person for Gowanus Canal Cleanup, Represent Sierra Club on Gowanus Community Advisory Committee;
State Level Member of State ExCom, Co-chair State Population Committee, State Office and Personnel Committee, State Climate Change Task Force.
Participation in environmental hearings--city, state, national levels.   Submit comments on a variety of environmental issues; most recently protecting the Gowanus Canal from overdevelopment, lobbying EPA to do a thorough Canal cleanup, opposing  supertall building in NYC, opposing Brooklyn Bridge Park luxury residential housing.

Other nonprofit work:  15 year member of a Jewish camp board (left wing values e.g. a 2-state solution.)
For more information see dianebuxbaum.com