Diane Buxbaum


Additional information-- Diane Buxbaum


  • Active opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline including  letters to John Kerry and Barack Obama.   The response from Obama made no commitment opposing the pipeline.  Information sent to over 50 members of my list for sending in similar comments
  • Similar actions for the Champlain Underwater Cable, closing Indian Point, opposition to gas lines in New York and the U.S., the proposed desalinization plant in Haverstraw Bay
  • Comment submission on the NYC  Waterfront Rezoning Plan that not only did not take into account climate change and sea level rise, but would increase damage to New York City shores
  • Other comment submissions for protecting parkland in NYC (no residential development in Brooklyn Bridge Park), in NYS (no mining in Adirondack State Park)
  • Protecting the Shawangunks, the Everglades and keeping designated roadless areas as roadless
  • In 1970 after EarthDay my driveway was the 2nd Brooklyn community recycling center and remained so until NYC DOS took the program over. Participated in the first NYS Solid Waste Management Plan and the first and all subsequent Bottle Bill efforts
  • Efforts to clean up  the highly polluted and now designated Superfund Site, The Gowanus Canal.   Involved since 1997, shortly after moving into the Carroll Gardens neighborhood, 3 blocks from the Canal.  I assist in getting the 1300  comments submitted on Superfunding the Canal, over 90% of which supported Superfunding (the greatest response in the history of Superfund). Still working on the cleanup process.

The two most important issues we face are inextricably related:  Climate Change, Population Increases adding to the carbon increase and  resource depletion. I am actively addressing both issues as CoChair of the Chapter Population Committee and on EPA’s local climate workgroup.

Upon retiring (EPA) I will become involved in fighting fracking. 

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