Diana Strablow - At Large 2022

I have served on the Sierra Club Niagara Group, Executive Committee for the past number of years working with a deeply committed group of colleagues, to protect our world from further harm and move toward a more sustainable future. I collaborated on campaigns, maintained our website and handled a portion of our communications and outreach. While currently in a second term as Vice Chair, I have moved to the Adirondacks and will be transitioning from that role. I would welcome the opportunity to serve on the Atlantic Chapter of the Executive Committee bringing a new perspective from the North Country.

Love of the natural world and standing up to injustice have been passions of mine since my youth. Solutions need to engage, include and serve all, especially those who have historically suffered environmental injustice and are now likely to suffer most directly from the impacts of climate change.

A major focus for me has been the necessity to transition from our reliance on ‘natural’ fracked gas in order to address the climate crisis. I have continued to monitor the proposed Northern Access Pipeline Project which is again in focus, as it recently was granted an extension of time. This year we have revived and I have served as Co-Chair of the Atlantic Chapter Gas Action Committee.  

This past year, I have represented the Atlantic Chapter on the Renewable Heat Now Campaign. It was exciting to have part of our building electrification legislative package move through the NY legislature, much more work needs to be done. I will continue that collaboration and engage the Chapter.

In these challenging times, I have a deep appreciation of working alongside fellow Sierra Club members towards a more promising future and would be grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Atlantic Chapter Ex-Com.