Chapter opens annual fundraising drive 2015

You may have already received your yearly appeal letter in the mail; it is a reminder of how crucial our work in New York continues to be.

As 2015 gets underway, we are in a position we don't often find ourselves, celebrating a major environmental victory for New York - the ban of high volume hydraulic fracturing!

And it is because of the hard work and dedication of our many volunteers and supporters, like you, that we can share in this victory!

But this does not mean our work is over - far from it.

While our fight against fracking has been a tremendous success to this point, there are still many gas infrastructure projects threatening communities in the from of pipelines, compressor stations, export terminals, storage facilities and fracking waste.

In addition, the Chapter will continue its long-standing campaigns to address climate disruption, protect wetlands, promote energy conservation and renewables, fight coal-burning power plants, nuclear power and toxic waste, and promote GMO-food labeling - and much more!

The Club's national agenda leaves only a tiny portion of your membership dues for the Chapter. Therefore, we depend heavily on your direct donations to support our Chapter's operations, including the work of our staff, Roger Downs and Caitlin Pixley. 

Help us prevent the degradation of our air, water, wildlife, and agriculture, as well as the many threats that could undermine tourism - such an important part of the economy in so many regions of the state.

Any donations our members and supporters make to the Chapter will stay with the Chapter to back our critical work here in New York.

To donate, you can click here to make a secure payment online, or you can send a check to: The Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, PO Box 38225, Albany, NY 12203. 

As always, the efforts of many dedicated volunteers make all the difference. Thank you for all you do to protect New York's environment!


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