Chapter calls for nominations for at-large Excom seats


Are you interested in becoming more involved with the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, at a leadership level?  The Atlantic Chapter is seeking nominations for volunteers to run for the Executive Committee (ExCom) at large seats.

The ExCom sets Sierra Club conservation policy in New York state and administers the Chapter. Some ExCom members are chosen by their local Groups. Others, the At-Large Delegates, are elected by the Chapter's statewide membership for two-year terms. This fall's election will fill four at-large seats.

If you are interested in running for one of these seats, please let the Nominating Committee (NomCom) know by August 8th. 

Send your name, address, and membership ID number to Susan Leifer (email:, or call: 914-769-6656). Please also include a statement about your qualifications and reasons for running. The NomCom will notify you by August 15th if they are nominating you as an at-large delegate.

Anyone not nominated by the Nominating Committee can become a candidate by filing a petition signed by at least 50 members of the Chapter. Let the Nominating Committee know you are interested in running. Petitions are due to the Nominating Committee by September 9th. 

Anyone who submits his or her name by August 8th will be guaranteed a response from the Nominating Committee by August 15th. The Nominating Committee has the option until September 9th to nominate more candidates. 

The deadline for all candidates to submit the final version of their ballot statement is September 9th. 

Voting will commence this fall.  All ballots are due at the end of December. Details and ballots will be available in the printed version of the Fall Sierra Atlantic.  

We hope you consider running for an At-Large Delegate of the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter!

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