Candidate Statement of David Fischer

Nothing is more important to me than protecting the remarkable, highly evolved biosphere within which we coevolved — a biosphere now in crisis because of climate change and ecological degradation. 

I'm a mycologist, and author of two university press books about mushrooms. I've been studying climate change and energy, particularly from an evolutionary perspective, for over a decade, and working on public outreach and education about climate change since 2013. 

I'm acutely interested in the vital connection between environmental justice and social justice. I'm also sharply concerned about the rapidly accelerating trend toward biofuels, which are no less dangerous for the environment than fossil fuels. I maintain strong connections within the scientific community, and I strive to help ensure that the Club's initiatives are consistent with the best available science. 

I'm proud to be associated with the Sierra Club, which I regard as the most vital national environmental organization. I've worked with the Iroquois Group excom for almost seven years. I've participated within the Atlantic Chapter excom as a group delegate and alternate, and more recently as an at-large delegate. I'd like to continue in that role. 

David William Fischer 

  • Vice chair, Sierra Club Iroquois Group At-large delegate 

  • Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter executive committee 

  • Mycologist, American Mushrooms™