Allison Tupper At Large 2015 Election

A lifelong environmentalist, I grew up with an environmentalist father and have continued to treasure open spaces. The open spaces I especially treasure are parks and the Hudson River. Working with neighbors, I started and ran a recycling project in the West Village for several years in the 1970s—we get some credit for showing New York City that it could be done. I was among the many who helped defeat Westway in the 1980s, the environmentally devastating plan for landfill and tunnel for a 6-lane highway in the Hudson River—see   I work with neighborhood organizations to protect and improve our local parks and playgrounds.

In these battles I have seen that the Sierra Club is a powerful force, so I became involved in the Club’s conservation work. Unlike other organizations, the Club also endorses candidates, so I joined the Political Committee as well as the Hudson River Estuary Committee.  In these roles and as a regular observer at the NYC executive committee and as an alternate delegate to the Chapter ExCom, I’ve learned much about the environment and the organization. I am eager to play a meaningful role in Sierra Club efforts, especially expanding solar energy (including working for a smart grid), keeping fossil fuels in the ground, and protecting our open spaces and waterways.

Please feel free to ask me any questions at


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