2022 Midterm Elections are Crucial and Depend on Voter Turnout

by Bob Ciesielski and Janet Lenichek
In August the United State Senate passed by 51-50 the Inflation Reduction Act, which contains some significant energy electrification and climate action provisions. In order for the United States to take more meaningful action to reduce carbon dioxide and methane emissions which are causing our climate change emergency, we need to elect federal Senators and Representatives who are willing to recognize the problem. The November 2022 election, just several months away, gives us an opportunity to face down this monumental threat.
The National Sierra Club is providing an opportunity to call environmentally-conscious voters in swing states and encourage them to vote in the midterm elections. If you have never done phone-banking with Sierra Club, you may want to give it a try. Phoning like-minded people to encourage them has been proven to be a very effective way of getting voters to the polls. You may contact National to participate at www.sierraclubindependentaction.org/scia/make-calls.
There are several other organizations you can become involved in with other ways to encourage out of state voter turnout. The Progressive Turnout Project at www.turnoutpac.org is involved in writing postcards in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, to encourage people to vote. Postcards to infrequent voters is another great way to support people in getting to the polls.
The group Indivisible at www.indivisible.org centers on political action centered around local groups defined by zip codes. You can contact Indivisible to see which local group is nearest you.
Common Cause at www.commoncause.org sponsors volunteers to protect voters rights. The League of Women Voters offers important educational tools for advising voters of their rights.
This is a crucial moment in the history of our nation and our world. Action must be taken immediately to stop the threat of climate change and also to maintain our nation’s democracy. Contacting voters to get out and vote is an important way of working towards both of these very important goals.

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