2018: Critical Year For Action

by Susan Lawrence

There are many ways as individuals, as Sierra Club members and environmentalists, we can and must take actions to break the log jams impeding critical policies and actions to protect the environment. 
I urge us all to: 
1) Register to vote and then get out to vote on election days. 
2) work on voter registration and get out the vote campaigns.
3) educate voters and candidates on critical environmental issues.
4) work at the local, state and national level to endorse and campaign for pro environment candidates focusing on those most likely to win and donating to those candidates

Key legislation to protect the environment and move us to sustainability is languishing or blocked in the New York State Senate, Congress and in some of our localities. It is critical this year to elect a New York Senate with a strong Democratic majority and the same for both houses in Congress. The terrible attacks of the Trump Presidency and Congress on essential environmental protections - some dating back 50 years or more - must be stopped and overturned and then focused to new directions to move us to a sustainable world.

The NYS Legislature elected this year will redraw the districts for the NYS Legislature and the U.S. House elections in 2020. It's time to end gerrymandering of these districts and elect legislators and public officials who represent and fight for the top priorities of the people, including those that will protect our environment for today and many tomorrows.

Susan Lawrence a long-time club activist who has served as chair and conservation chair at the chapter and group level.

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