Letter from Sacramento: Endorsements for the Upcoming Primary Election

April 22, 2018

This is a very important election year, and within the next few weeks, most of you reading this will have an opportunity to cast votes that will make a difference.
Vote-by-mail begins May 7th. Then the actual primary day voting occurs on June 5th. California voters have a full month to be heard.
Do the most important thing for the planet and the state: Vote for candidates who will work for the environment.
We’re here to help if you are wondering which candidates those are.
Every election year, at the local and state chapter levels, dozens of Sierra Club volunteers join committees, prepare questionnaires, contact campaigns, interview candidates, and then make decisions about who among those running will be best for the environment.
This year is particularly important because there are a number of key statewide seats open.
Our volunteers completed their endorsement process for some of the positions and are working on others.
You can find all of the Sierra Club backed candidates for statewide office and the legislature by going to our home page and clicking on the banner about elections in the middle of that page. Then follow the instructions from there. (We can’t link to the endorsements page directly because we’re a 501(c)(4) organization. We’re required to have our election information at least two-clicks away.)
Check out our endorsements and start preparing for the election.
Not registered? Go here to register online. But hurry, the deadline is approaching.

Kathryn Phillips

Sierra Club California is the Sacramento-based legislative and regulatory advocacy arm of the 13 California chapters of the Sierra Club.

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