Mary Finneran Bio - 2017 At Large Election

Mary Finneran - Cairo
It has been an honor and education to serve on the EXcom this year.  I would love to continue to help the SCAC take the lead in protecting the planet from the devastation inherent in the energy and industrial corporations’ callous attitude toward the environment and all lifeforms (all for power and profit).  
Many leaders’ disregard for the anthropogenic causes that have accelerated and exacerbated climate change exemplifies what we are up against.   Stopping the "gasification" of NYS while hitting full on the false belief that natural gas/methane is a "clean" bridge fuel are also some of our primary tasks; we know this most damaging greenhouse gas truly impacts climate change.  

The massive quantities of waste generated from all sources is another area that must be addressed, including working to encourage each individual and community to limit and recycle (personally when possible) their own waste.  We must also stop the sources of radioactivity inherent in nuclear waste from our own power plants and the nuclear waste being trucked through the state from Canada, not to forget the frequently radioactive frack waste coming to NYS via PA.  

And then of course the fight to protect water...
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