Harold R. Bauer Bio - 2017 At Large Election

Hal R. Bauer - Wayland

All of the earth’s lands and waters were wilderness, so our Club must consistently work to defend and expand the very few remaining wild places, whether in our Empire State, the U.S. or around the globe. The latter, include the few forests in Central Africa, where I studied endangered apes.  Recently, as our Wilderness and Wildlife Chair, I testified to the Adirondack Park Agency, in defense of new wilderness classifications.  In Sierra Atlantic, I published Monumental Disorder, describing the Dept. of Interior’s assault upon, and our support for, our wild, National Monuments.
Anthropogenic climate change is too benign a name for the climate chaos of our global, mass extinction event, including us, multiplying injustice.  Last summer, e.g., tens of millions of people were displaced in coastal Texas and Bangladesh.  Human population doubling continues, as we were 3 in 1960-to-1999’s 6 billion; now 7.5.  Major efforts supporting women’s rights, as human rights, everywhere, are urgent & necessary.  In addition to marches, & pressuring politicians, we must support women’s health and rights to justice in the clinics, classrooms, workplaces and streets.

Renewables go global!  September’s Joule features 100% renewable, roadmaps for 139 countries to become fossil-free, energy states, while improving global health, thus slowing the rate of climate chaos.  In New York, as a NOFA farmer, I know effects of unpredictable weather’s drought and flood, on growing natural, vulnerable food.  So, for our Energy Committee, I submitted, and we supported, resolutions for fossil fuel divestment, and 100% renewable power in NYS, while we continue stopping fossil fuel infrastructure.

Finally, through peaceful, democratic means, we must take money, and corruption, out of politics, while defending science & our U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.  
These are tall orders.  Sierrans shine on them, in character, curiously joyful, and together 
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