Sierrans are aware of the influence of climate change deniers. These same supporters of fossil fuel and nuclear energy production are spreading disinformation concerning renewable energy. In addition these are some environmental and health concerns about renewable energy, for which some information is provided in this sector.
- Disinformation about renewable energy. Media follows ideology.
- A Koch brother leads the opposition to wind power of Massachusetts.
- Disinformation about Germany renewables. Opponents claim renewable energy is on the skids, while 93% of Germans favor renewables.
- Wind power increases CO₂ emissions?
- Wind power and birds. Associated Press story claims 537,000 bird deaths annually, ignoring many other studies. Fossil fuel operations cause over 14 million bird deaths. In 2007 the National Academy of Science estimated that wind energy is responsible for less than 0.003% bird deaths caused by human and feline activity (see here). The link to the Wind Energy Foundation site “Wind Energy & Birds” contains several statements and studies. The first study mentioned is by NYSERDA (pdf). It found that of all energy sources including coal, oil, gas, nuclear, hydro and wind power, that wind power is the only source of energy that does not present population-level risks to birds. The page also has a link to the National Audubon statement that global climate change is a greater threat to avian mortality than wind turbines.
- Wind energy causes disease? Read here for "How Should You Assess the Quality of a Wind Health Study?" Also: Activities by anti-wind activists effect claims of health issues.